86 Main Street, Carrigaline, Cork
Phone: 021 4919887 Email: Nicola@nbohanopticians.ie

Eye Testing
N. Bohan Opticians provides clients all over our local area with a comprehensive range of eye tests.
We provide medical card patients with a free bi-annual eye test. Both employed and self-employed PRIS patients are entitled to a bi-annual eye test.
Book your free PRSI or medical card eye Test with N. Bohan Opticians today. 021 4919887

021 4919887

Eye Tests
These general tests check a client’s field of vision and can be used to ascertain if a client would benefit from glasses or contact lenses.
In cases where patients require glasses, our optician will recommend the appropriate lenses and be able to advise on the right frames from our contemporary and stylish range.
To book a general eye test, get in contact with N. Bohan Opticians today. 021 4919887
Eyesight Test For Driving License
Before an individual may be issued with a driver’s license, they first must undergo and pass a certified eye test.
In compliance with these RSA regulations N. Bohan Opticians, provides modern, eye tests that include visual acuity screening, contrast sensitivity assessment and visual field measurement.
For patients that pass we can sign the necessary RSA eyesight report.
To book a Driving License eyesight report, get in contact with N. Bohan Opticians today. 021 4919887

Colour Blind Test
If you suspect that you aren’t seeing colours correctly you may be suffering from a type of colour blindness.
Our optician is available to carry out colour blind tests, also known as Ishiharra tests.
This test will not only identify if a client is suffering from colour blindness but will also identify what type of colour blindness is affecting the client's vision.
To book a professional Colour Blind Test, get in contact with N. Bohan Opticians today. 021 4919887
Retinal Photography
Retinal Photography is a method of getting a high definition picture of a patient’s retinas.
Older retina images can be compared with more recent images to quickly access if any deterioration has occurred.
For additional information on retinal photography, get in contact with N. Bohan Opticians today. 021 4919887